Friday, July 6, 2012

In LOVE with a terrible rebel

The Mouth Police

The Homo Sapien Brain

Happy Thanksgiving

My dad was a Nazi Jew

Gove Bin Awa

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FOR SALE! Herr Heider

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Jayne McIntyre Bryan

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U.F.O. ABDUCTIONS 1 through 5

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Why doesn't anyone come to visit me anymore?...rhetorical

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A Day in the Life... - The Saga continues: (4 pages)

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Strike up the band - Roy style

"My Brain Hurts" ad-libbed vocal over streamed radio

or surely the inimitable:

"I'm not ready yet" ad-libbed vocal over streamed radio

A series from Roy's late night songs is on the cards. His rich, resonant voice and nostalgic themes are worth a listen. There's a hitch: I'm checking on the copyright status... Roy was a bit of a cowboy with snagged sounds sometimes. Mostly recorded at 3 in the morning while tippling a fifth of Jack Daniel's... – Keep watching this space.